THANK YOU for my birthday card – please share with everyone.
So – now I can look back on my 86 years of life on planet Earth, and wonder what my 87th year will bring. Dark time now, but perhaps the silver lining is that many people are rethinking their relationship with nature and the future.
Some people will never have known a world without pollution, but now they are experiencing clean air. I just hope enough people, having discovered what life COULD be like, will get together and be strong enough a force to insist that their governments introduce legislation to keep the air clean.
That enough people realize the danger of the way we abuse the natural world and the cruelty we inflict on animals. Because now, with COVID-19, the result of our sometimes thoughtless, sometimes greedy behaviour is hurting US.
So reflecting on this, I think of your message, one of the hundreds of wonderful messages I have received from friends all around the world. From every country where there is a JGI and many countries where there is not, but where I have visited. It is another silver lining, warming my heart, bringing a sense of joy and thankfulness that I am lucky enough to receive such messages.
Thank you.
With love,
“Liebe Fr. Dr. Jane Goodall !
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!”
“Ich wünsche zum 86. Geburtstag natürlich viel Gesundheit für die nächsten Jahre und nur das Beste! Sie sind eine großartige Frau und Wissenschaftlerin. Menschen wie Sie geben einem Hoffnung. Leider gibt es viel zu wenige davon.
Liebe Grüße, Astrid”
“Dear Mrs. Goodall, I wish you from the bottom of my heart the best! Health and joy! Thank you for your outstanding and important work!
Your life made a difference!!! Your idea will live for ever!!!
Thank you for being!!!”
Martina Ertl
“dear jane goodall, best birthday-wishes: love, joy, health, peace and blessings to you!
it’s good to see you continuing and fulfilling your Mission, thank you!
best regards from austria.”
Roswitha Springschitz
“I wish you a long and healthy life. May the seeds grow everywhere on the planet where you have planted them💚”
Angelika Hammer
“Happy Birthday, dear Mrs Goodall !!! Stay healthy and full of hope – we all need you, admire and love you!
Kind regards and best wishes”
“Happy Birthday! Thank you so much for being such an inspiration for me!”
“Liebe Jane Goodall, geburtstage sind wie die zeit vergänglich – scheinbar und glaublich, “tag und nacht” feiern geburtstage! wie die zeit einer sonnen oder sanduhr von hier nach dort wandert. und wenn wir es wollen können wir augenblichlich es mit verändern! so wie mir schon als kind ” DICH JEAN ” in mir begegenen durfte! meine augen funkelten als ob ein strahl der sonne durch den schwarz/weis fernseher DICH in einer bundheit unserer welt mir in liebe und verbundenheit mit allem was mich umgibt. Danke dafür! LIEBE JEAN du hast dich nicht verändert nur die menschen sehen dich jetzt auch in farbe! LICHT UND LIEBE VERBUNDENHEIT MIT MUTTER ERDE in der pause zwischen den noten geht die sonne auf oder unter in jedem Augenblick, Danke Dafür! Alois”
Alois Lengauer
“Alles Gute für einen großartigen Menschen mit einer wichtigen Mission – ein Lichtblick auf dieser Welt.”
Grillitsch Heidi
“Dear Ms Goodall,
I wish you a very happy birthday and many happy returns of the day. Thank you so much for your inspiring work. All the best and good health.”
Gabriela Psota
“Dear Ms Goodall, I wish you a really really happy birthday from my heart. I loved to read your books about schimpanses when I was a teenager. Have the best day in your life and thank you so much for helping these animals.
With kind regards.”
Renate Schneider”
“Danke für alles, bleib gesund und beschütze alle Tiere, unser höchstes und schönstes Gut!”
Reinhard und Christine
“Dear Jane, i wish you all the best for your birthday. May everything you wish for your life come true. I wish all of us that this special time brings us closer together, that we treat all living things on mother earth respectfully and that we put our selfishness behind. Thank you Jane for being there. You always have a place in my heart 🙏❤”
Martina Nissen
“Dear Jane, I wish you all the best for your birthday, above all stay in good health and keep your admirable energy that makes this world a better place, that reaches so many human hearts and has saved so many lives among the wonderful world of apes. Thank you for everything, I have had the privilege to see and hear you twice in Vienna and I am really looking forward to seeing you again. Happy birthday from all my heart! Monika”
Monika Kolovos
“happy birthday jane and many power for the next years to work with animals healthy ever greetings da vienna/oberwart, ursula”
ursula brahse
“Dear Mrs. Goodall,
best wishes to your birthday! I wish you health, power and many more years of “making a change”. What a blessing to have such people like you to give hope to help and to encourage others to do good things! Good bless you!”
Edeltraud Valenta
“We wish you all the best. Thank you”
Brigitte und Johann
“Happy Birthday to you, Dr.Jane Goodall!
Thank you for everything you have done and initiated for the chimps and for nature in general. Your knowledge and wisdom, your power and hope are lighthouse and lifebuoy for us all, when the sea gets rough. May God bless you. Gabi
PS: Your book that you signed for my grandson is with us – we treasure it!”
Gabriele Pohanka
“Liebe Jane! Alles Liebe und erdenklich Gute zum Geburtstag! Ich bin eine große Bewunderin Ihrer Arbeit, aber vor allem auch Ihres Wesens, Ihrer Kraft und Ihrer phantastischen liebevollen Ausstrahlung! Gabriela”
Gabriela Götz-Ritchie
“Liebe Jane,
danke, dass es dich gibt! Ich wünsche dir zu deinem Geburtstag viel Gesundheit und Glück! Wir sind in Verbindung…
Alles Liebe, Felix”
Felix Gottwald
“Happy Birthday! My best wishes from Austria, Linz”
Martha Eiselt
Dr. Mag. Ruth Fichtner
“Dear Jane – wise old woman.
My work ist to provide our kids with their adequate natural habitat – allow them this ecperience. I´ve been doin that for over 17 years now. Teach them about social and natural responsability by example. I am 60 now and deeply experiencing uncertainty – actualy a “normal” state in the buddhistic sense. Nothing is stable – there is only certainty in the fact that there is uncertainty. As the Lamas put it “”there is nothing stable”” so let us all relax into the flow of things and enjoy the ride through the rapids.
What we will learn from this is undoubtetly our very own, individual responsability.With love and deep Admiration. HAPPY Birthday! Jürgen”
Jürgen Schneider, www.ROOTScamp.at in Austria
“Ich wünsche ihnen noch viel Kraft und Ausdauer für die wunderbare Arbeit die Sie leisten.
Alles Liebe….”
Bettina Pölzer
“Dear Mrs. Jane,
Happy birthday. May your new year be healthy and happy! Thank you for being born in this world.
Sincerely, M. Chromecek”
Mumeko Chromecek
“Happy birthday for a great woman and healthy for you and your family!”
Silvia Graf
“Dearest Jane, may I wish you a very happy birthday from the bottom of my heart. Forever grateful what you do for humanity and the planet and what you have done for me. I love you, Wolfgang”
Wolfgang Knoepfler
“Dear Jane,
I wish you the happiest of birthdays-even though the current circumstances are, of course, challenging. I would like to use to use this special occasion to thank you for your continuing efforts to inform people about conservation issues and the climate crisis. Especially young people are really inspired by your message, and I know that my students love learning about you!
Again: Happy birthday!”
“Dear Jane!
I wish you all the best for your birthday. You are a great role model for me and my biggest wish is that you continue your work for many years.
Stay save and healthy 🙂
Lovely greetings from Austria
Martina and familiy”
Martina Abdelwafa
“Dear Mrs Goodall, please have a very happy birthday and today only remember what you have already achieved. Thank you!”
Gundi Haigner